Lawn Care

The Diamonds Farm Landscaping Lawn Care Programme has been employed on most of the lawns shown on this website.

Green Spaces specialist lawn care services
Lawn Care

Treatment can begin at any time of the growing season.

Spring weed & feed gets lawns off to a good start. Disease levels can vary and if deemed to be problematic, a spray programme can begin during the growing season.

Low levels of disease will usually grow out.

Some diseases can kill grass, and require immediate action, but are easily controlled. A mid-season feed will keep the lawn in good order, followed by an autumn feed.

Scarifying is very beneficial and can be carried out during any good growing period.

Lawns from Seed or Turf?

Most of the lawns that we have created are from seed. This gives a far greater choice of grass variety, allowing us to create lawns for different soil types, locations and available sunlight. Seeding is also far less expensive than good quality turf.

We offer a mowing service, including two sizes of tractor mower.